Terms and Conditions of Purchase
Terms and Conditions of Purchase
REVISION: 12/7/2023
IN CONSIDERATION of this order the Seller agrees to the following:
Acknowledgement of this order must be made by signing a copy of this purchase order and returning it to the Buyer by correspondence. This purchase order is conditional upon the acceptance of the terms contained herein, which cannot be altered without the express approval of the Buyer in writing. Failure to return signed acknowledgement within 2 weeks will be deemed as acceptance as written.
Second: QUALITY.
Buyer shall have the right to inspect and test all material at destination before acceptance. Seller hereby warrants that the material and workmanship of the product or services delivered hereunder is the quality specified, is free from all defects, produced from new materials, and complies with the drawings, samples or other specifications, if any, in all respects. Seller shall pay the cost of inspecting and testing goods rejected and all transportation charges thereon. Seller shall repair or replace at their expense any part of the materials furnished hereunder which are found to be defective. Parts deemed unacceptable by ECS inspection may be handled by one or more, but not limited to, the following methods: Return all goods to Seller for correction or replacement. In consideration of ECS production schedules, ECS may elect, with the concurrence of the Seller, to correct unusable parts discrepancies in house. The Seller will be debited for labor, materials, and other incurred costs at the current applicable ECS shop rate.
The quantity of material ordered must not be exceeded or reduced without the Buyer’s permission first being obtained.
Delivery must be effected within the time stated on the purchase order. Seller’s failure to make delivery within the time specified in the purchase order leaves the Buyer free to exercise the following options: In the event that Seller is late on delivery as specified by this contract, Buyer may elect to ship any part of late delivery quantity by an expedited shipping method (ie: air or special freight). In this event, Buyer may elect to offset additional cost incurred against the price of this order. Maximum expedited shipping charges against the Seller cannot exceed 25% of the part price as defined herein. Buyer reserves the right to cancel the order without cost to Buyer and charge the Seller with any loss incurred.
Neither the Seller nor the Buyer shall be held responsible for delays in performance or failures of performance when caused by fire, strikes, epidemics, embargoes, and directions of the Government or other conditions of whatsoever nature or description beyond their respective control.
All material shall be forwarded for delivery via carrier specified, procuring lowest rate via such carrier.
Unless otherwise stated on the face of this purchase order, no charge will be allowed for freight or packaging.
All packages must be plainly marked with the purchase order number shown on the face of this purchase order.
Eighth: PAYMENT.
Payment for the articles specified herein shall not constitute an acceptance by Buyer. All articles shall be received subject to the Buyer’s inspection and rejection.
If this order requires Seller to furnish services of its supervisor, expert or other employee in connection with the installation or any other matter under this contract to perform work on the Buyer’s premises, Seller agrees whether or not a separate charge is to be made for said services that such supervisor, expert, or other employee of the Seller in performing such services is not and shall not be deemed to be the agent or employee of the Buyer. Seller assumes full responsibility for their acts and omissions and agrees to hold the Buyer harmless from any claims whatever arising therefrom. Seller assumes exclusive liability for any payroll or other taxes imposed upon the employer by any federal or state law.
Seller here agrees to incorporate in each invoice covering shipment of goods pursuant to this agreement a certification that the goods covered by the invoice were produced in compliance with all applicable requirements of section 6, 7, and 12 of the Fair Labor Standards Act as amended and of all proper regulations and orders of the United States Department of Labor issued under Section 14 thereof.
During the performance of this contract Seller will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, age, sex or national origin. Seller will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and the employees are treated during employment, without regard to race, color, religion, age sex or national origin. Such action shall include but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Seller will in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of Seller, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex or national origin. Seller further confirms compliance with all provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act, as and when amended.
During the period of performance hereof, Seller agrees that he will not maintain or provide for their employees any segregated facilities at any of their establishments, and that he will not permit their employees to perform their services at any location, under their control, where segregated facilities are maintained.
Thirteenth: PATENTS.
Seller shall protect, indemnify, and hold the Buyer harmless from and against all claims, damages, judgements, expenses and losses arising from the infringement or alleged infringement of any United States Letters Patent and the Seller shall defend at its own expense all suits or proceedings instituted against the Buyer and shall pay any awards assessed against the Buyer in such proceedings insofar as same are based upon any claim that material as such purchased herein constitutes an infringement of any United States Letters Patent unless said infringement of any United States Letters Patent arises out of the compliance by the Seller with the plans and specifications provided to the Seller by the Buyer.
All drawings, blueprints, tracings and other items prepared by the Seller and paid for by the Buyer shall be the property of the Buyer and such items, as well as any furnished hereunder to the Seller by the Buyer, shall be delivered to the Buyer upon the completion or termination of this purchase order. No reproductions thereof shall be retained except as authorized by the Buyer.
Fifteenth: ASSIGNMENT.
This purchase order shall not be assigned by the Seller without the express consent in writing of the Buyer.
Sixteenth: DISCOUNT.
Unless otherwise specified time for the calculation of discounts shall be computed from the date of receipt by the Buyer of acceptable invoice or receipt of the goods, whichever is later.
Seventeenth: OTHER TERMS.
If any of the Seller’s terms of sale are in conflict with the terms of this purchase order, the terms of this purchase order shall govern unless Seller’s terms are accepted in writing by the Buyer. No oral agreement or other understanding shall in any way modify this purchase order or the terms or the conditions hereof.
Eighteenth: GOVERNING LAW.
This agreement shall be governed in accordance with the law of the State of Oregon.
Terms and Conditions of Sale
Terms and Conditions of Sale
REVISION: 5/24/2013
Terms and Conditions Generally:
The attached quotation and these terms and conditions form an offer from ECS which can only be accepted on these exact terms and conditions. ECS will entertain proposals from a buyer who seeks different or changed terms and conditions, but ECS objects to such terms unless and until it determines, in writing, to accept them. Absent such subsequent written acceptance by ECS, buyer agrees that the terms and conditions herein shall prevail over any inconsistent provisions in any purchase order or other writing submitted by buyer.
Modifications to the contract shall be subject to price and/or schedule Changes as specified in FAR Part 4 3 “Contract Modifications”. ECS shall maintain configuration control of all products sold, and does not warrant that any product configurations offered by ECS shall remain in production, reserving the right to declare product configurations obsolete.
If ECS pricing is in current dollars, then the buyer should expect price escalation for deliveries in subsequent periods. Rates of escalation will be calculated by supplier. The price for data items deliverable at contract close (i.e., Level III drawings and aperture cards) will be escalated annually to the date of shipment from ECS.
Minimum Quantity Purchases:
In the event ECS is mandated to purchase minimum quantities of materials to satisfy unique customer requirements, ECS reserves the right to invoice for an advance payment and minimum purchase of materials.
Order Quantities:
ECS quotes quantities as requested and anticipates delivery of each quantity in a complete lot-unit price(s) are subject to change when schedules are phased.
Packaging is to “standard commercial practice”. ECS meets MIL-E- 17555-Level C. Special packaging due to customer request or abnormal size or weight is available at an additional cost and will be invoiced separately.
Payment Terms and Open Account Credit:
Unless otherwise quoted. Payment terms are net 30 for each individual item(s) that ships. Incomplete systems will not be cause for delay of payment. The first day is the date product leaves ECS’ dock. For non-deliverables, the first day would start on the date invoiced.
Non-exclusive Contract:
Buyer agrees that the products and services purchased from ECS are “Commercial items” as defined in FAR 2.101.
Performance and Purchase Order Acknowledgment:
In the event ECS is given verbal direction to commence performance prior to receipt of any written acceptance from buyer, the buyer shall: 1.) be responsible for the cost of changes made to the product during the period of time between the verbal direction to proceed and receipt of a hard copy of a purchase order is received at ECS. 2.) provide purchase order within 10 days of date verbal direction to commence performance was given. In the event ECS does not receive a purchase order within 10 days, ECS reserves the right to place the subject order on technical hold pending receipt of P.O. holding ECS harmless for schedule andpricing. 3.) (In the event of cancellation) be responsible for termination costs IAW FAR PART 49.
Progress Payments/Prepayment of Materials:
The following applies only to contracts valued at $100,000 or above. Progress payment provisions may be requested as specified and governed under FAR 32.502-1. In lieu of progress payments, ECS may request a cash advance for materials purchased in the amount of 25% of the Contract value.
Quality Control Standards:
ECS Quality Control Standard applies and Conforms to MIL-I-45208.
Freight Policies:
All orders are shipped FOB Grants Pass or Klamath Falls, Oregon, Freight Collect. If prepay and bill is required, there is a service charge of $10 for UPS shipment, $25 for truck shipments, and $10 for “FED EX” and other air shipments.
Shipment Schedules:
ECS will manufacture product as expediently as possible and as material allows to meet scheduled shipment dates. All dates are quoted as dates of shipment from ECS dock and ARO. Dates are subject to change with alterations in the design as proposed. ECS reserves the right to ship 30 days early of the scheduled delivery dates. ECS reserves the right to recover costs or bill in place due to buyer delays, e.g. customer supplied parts or customer delivery originated date changes. In the event that the customer’s required lead time is shorter than the ECS Case’s quoted lead-time, ECS reserves the right to charge an additional 10% per week expedite charge.
Source Inspections:
Customer Source Inspections, Full-Dimensional Inspections, Government Source Inspections, and Inspection reports (beyond the standard Requirements of MIL-I-45208) conducted at ECS are charged on a per hour basis depending on the amount of time spent by ECS Quality Assurance and other personnel.
ECS expects timely payment from our valued customers. In the event, payment is not received within seven days of the payment terms as quoted, ECS reserves the right to stop work until payment is received. All previously agreed-upon conditions are then subject to change by ECS.
All tooling is quoted as a Non-Recurring Tool Use Charge (NRTUC). Ownership vests with ECS. Any tooling purchase less than $10,000 shall be invoiced with order placement (net 30). The following terms of acceptance apply to tooling valued at more than $10,000 and shall be billed as follows:a. One half (50%) payable upon receipt of the tooling order placement (net 0)b. Twenty-five percent (25%) payable thirty (30) days after receipt of the tooling order, (net 30)c. Twenty-five percent (25%) (balance) payable upon first article acceptance of part from the tool. (net 0) In the event that the tooling order is exceptionally large or has an unusually high Material cost, the schedule of payments may be altered in writing by ECS CASE.
Termination for Convenience:
The buyer would be expected to reimburse ECS in accordance with FAR PART 49. Disposition is requested within a reasonable period after termination of storage costs would be assessed to disposition costs.
Unless otherwise noted, attached pricing does not include testing. Testing and test reports may be available separately priced. Quotations for testing are available after design and delivery schedules have been finalized and after the seller’s Qualification Test Procedure has been approved by the buyer.
Testing Units:
Any product manufactured or supplied by ECS for the purpose of First Article or other testing will become the property of the buyer upon shipment of the product to an outside testing facility or upon commencement of testing at ECS. The buyer will be expected to submit payment pursuant to ECS payment terms. The seller may retain test information pending receipt of payment or the test units. Testing is usually designed to simulate a lifetime of product use. Therefore, the cost to repair any resulting damage will be the responsibility of the buyer.
Protection of Proprietary Information:
Buyer shall hold ECS’s Information confidential, and may not disclose ECS’s Proprietary Information to any third party or duplicate ECS’s Proprietary Information without ECS’s written permission. Buyer shall return to ECS, or destroy and certify as destroyed, all ECS’s Proprietary Information upon completion of buyer’s performance hereunder ECS’s written request, or termination of any purchase order arising from this quotation, whichever is earliest. “ECS’s Proprietary Information” means trade secret, confidential, or Proprietary information disclosed by ECS to buyer in connection with this or any prior order, which either is identified to a buyer as a trade secret, confidential or Proprietary information or which information that a reasonable person would understand to be trade secret, confidential or proprietary information, including, but not limited to; customer lists, supplier list, pricing policies, market analyses, business plans or programs, software, specifications, manuals, notes and annotations, performance data, designs, processes, data, reports, photographs and engineering, manufacturing or technical information related to Seller’s products and services, ECS financial statements, or other information concerning ECS finances, any analyses of ECS financial information, any analyses of ECS pricing, and abstracts of pricing information incorporated into vendor data systems of buyer, as well as any duplicates or copies of the foregoingcategories of information.Notwithstanding any prior agreement, buyer agrees that neither it nor any affiliate of buyer will: (1) reverse engineer any product purchased from ECS, (2) manufacture any knock-off confusingly-similar in appearance to any ECS product, in as much as buyer agrees that ECS products have a distinctive appearance that enables consumers to identify their source: or (3) utilize ECS Proprietary Information for any business purpose other than assessing the suitability of ECS products for their business needs. Buyer further agrees that neither it nor any affiliate of buyer will accept ECS Proprietary Information from any third party, including but not limited to former employees of ECS, and shall immediately report any offered conveyance of ECS Proprietary Information to ECS, which report shall include all available information concerning the identities of any such offerors and all details concerning the offer. For purposes of this paragraph, “affiliate” means any company of which buyer owns a majority share or which is under common ownership with buyer by a corporate parent with at least a majority share of such company.These provisions for the protection of ECS Proprietary Information are not intended to replace any available remedies under state or federal statute or common law, but to be Supplemental thereto.
Dispute Resolution:
Buyer agrees that any and all disputes arising under or relating to sale of goods offered by this quotation shall be governed by Oregon law, exclusive of the conflict of laws principles thereof, and resolved in the Circuit Court of Josephine County, Oregon. Buyer hereby consents to jurisdiction and venue in such Court.